Shampoo CAN break your HAIR

So you know the drill , Coloured hair – Shampoo for Coloured hair . Dry hair – Shampoo for dry hair . What you don’t know is using the wrong shampoo can & will Damage and break your hair just as much a bleach can – Even if you have NEVER coloured your hair .

Shampoo that is made & designed to ” Repair ” your hair is full of Protein. How can that be bad you ask? Well Protein is a life saver for dry brittle hair , because as we colour and bleach our hair we are stripping protein out of our hair, and without protein your hair will break of . Protein is literally the life line holding your hair together.

So now you know the good side of protein , Here is the bad. Too much protein can make your hair very strong and hard making it break and snap. It can snap from trying your hair too tight , pulling it while blowdry , or even break when you sleep and your tossing and turning on that pillow with does create breakage – Get a silk pillow people !!!!

Protein Shampoos , Conditioners & Treatments are made with the same ingredients .

  • Hydrolyzed wheat protein is a water soluble protein derived from wheat that penetrates the hair’s cortex to strengthen and moisturize the hair. Hydrolyzed means it is broken down into small particles to penetrate the hair.

  • Hydrolyzed silk protein is a protein derived from silk that forms a protective barrier on the hair to improve elasticity, resiliency, and shine.

  • Hydrolyzed soy protein is a water soluble protein made from soy that strengthens and mends the hair. It also smoothes the hair cuticle and increases the hair’s ability to hold moisture.

  • Glycoprotein is derived from oyster shells and contains sugars and amino acids that help to strengthen hair. Milk protein is high in lactic acid and amino acids that are great for dry and damaged hair.

  • Keratin and collagen are natural proteins already in your hair. Using a shampoo with these will strengthen your damaged hair best.

Healthy hair ( Compact Cuticle ) Comapared to Damaged Hair (Raised Cuticle )

When To Avoid Protein

Protein shampoos are wonderful, healing products for distressed hair. However, if you have only a few split ends or your hair is dull from product build-up, then you do not need a protein Shampoo. It will only add to the build-up and make your hair feel slick. It can also cause your hair to not dry or style correctly because of build-up. If your hair is dull from product build-up, get a clarifying shampoo instead of a protein shampoo – and if you have split ends, the only remedy is a haircut.

Hair that feels brittle and hard , extremely dry, tangled, or weak needs moisture instead of protein. This could be as simple as adding a weekly keune moisture treatment or switching to a Moisturising Shampoo + Conditioner.

I always recommend this formula for your hair care regime ,even if you have dry brittle hair that needs protein , Please Alternate weekly with Moisturising shampoo .Balance is key to perfect hair care .

Week 1 – Repair Shampoo , Moisturising Conditioner .

Week 2 – Moisturising Shampoo , followed by Repair Conditioner .

Always use a leave in moisturiser , as it will help hydrate your hair , make is softer and more manageable as well act as a heat protector.

If you are using a Repair Mask, you must ALWAYS apply moisture conditioner After rinsing to enable your hair to soften again. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT


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